Viral Fake Chrissy Teigen Cover Effectively Calls Bullshit on Female Beauty Ideals

A satirical Women's Health cover — which has nearly 2 million views on Imgur — is calling out the bullshit beauty standards that magazines have been boasting for decades.
Some of its faux headlines include: "Didn't Think You Were Fat? You Are," "Even If You Do This Absurd Workout, You Won't Look Like Her Because Photoshop" and, our personal favorite, "Build a Sand Castle Around His C*ck."
Look familiar? The cover is mocked from Women's Health U.K.'s September cover featuring new mom Chrissy Teigen.
The real cover's headlines — such as "The New Ways to Age-Proof Your Face" and "Shrink Your Sugar Belly" — are just some example of how magazines are constantly telling women to change how they look.
The internet is able to circulate a self-made body-positive meme instantly, yet well-known publications on newsstands continue to suggest we tone "every zone" and "age-proof" ourselves. Not cool.
Luckily, it wasn't just the master Photoshopper calling bullshit. In fact, the comment section on Imgur was filled with users in agreement.
"This sums up your typical Cosmo magazine quite well," one wrote. "I love whoever drew this up! It's awesome when I see magazines I feel this is what it's truly trying to say," wrote another.
Anyone else prefer the fake cover to the new one?