This Billboard Kills Hundreds of Zika Virus Mosquitoes in Brazil With "Sweat"

Look at this asshole mosquito...
Beyond the nuisance of an itchy mosquito bite, that little shit can also spread the West Nile and the Zika viruses.
Fortunately, a Brazilian ad agency has come up with a genius way of combating these disease-carrying pests aptly called the "Mosquito Killer Billboard."
So, how does this glorious masterwork of death work?
The "Mosquito Killer Billboard" lures mosquitoes with fluorescent lights and a mixture of lactic acid and carbon dioxide — mimicking the scent of our breath and sweat that enables mosquitoes to find us.
Mosquitoes lured into the contraption get trapped by the billboard's vacuum-like mechanism...
...and stay trapped in the display until they dehydrate and die.
The project and specifications for the technology is under Creative Commons — any city contending with the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes spreading the Zika virus can build their own mosquito killing billboard.