Amy Schumer's Latest Sketch Takes On Twitter Cyberbullying
Attention, men who like to threaten women on Twitter: Amy Schumer is here for you.
On a recent episode of her show Inside Amy Schumer, the comedian and her team of writers tackle the insidious culture of misogyny that plagues female social media users with a sketch about what it would be like if Twitter just saved everyone some time and implemented an "I'm Going to Rape and Kill You" button.
Similar to the recently unveiled heart-shaped "Like" button on Twitter or the emoticon reaction buttons on Facebook, 'I'm Going to Rape and Kill You' presents as a cute cartoon image of a man sneaking up behind a frowning woman and strangling her, presumably to death.
The button serves a straightforward purpose: to lessen the burden of typing those seven words out individually for the thousands of male internet users who express the sentiment on a daily basis.
"That is why we are proud to present this: our new 'I'm Going to Rape and Kill You' button," explains Twitter's vice president of communications, Cathy O'Doherty.
The host of the satirical tech-focused YouTube channel "Chip Chat," has his guest go on to explain the ingenuity behind the new button.
"Whether it's a thumbs-up or LOL, people appreciate having a shortcut for something they frequently communicate," O'Doherty says. "What's the point of using the anonymity of the internet to just call someone fat when you can also make them feel physically threatened?"
She elaborates that using the shortcut will free up 30 characters for "other comments about that woman," like "what ugly sluts they are."
The target user for the new shortcut? "Typically a guy whose profile pic is him in a sports jersey with his child on his shoulders and a bio that reads, "Proud Christian — but also, everyone," says O'Doherty, making light of the fact that 73% of adult social media users have witnessed online harassment in some form.
Watch the full sketch online here.