Elizabeth Warren DNC YouTube Speech Last Night: Big Time Successful Delivery
Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren has been largely praised for her address at the DNC that served as a “warm-up” for former President Bill Clinton’s largely anticipated speech.
Warren didn’t appear to take the attitude that her address should be viewed as a warm up act, emphatically putting herself into the role as the voice of the troubled American middle class. Warren presented an arguably compelling case for the “99%” to give President Obama another four years, in which she used a touching narrative of her family and growing up as a child, criticized greedy oil companies and Wall Street CEOs, and consistently criticized Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney for being out of touch with the middle class.
Warren, amidst a heavily criticized Senate campaign for her “you didn’t build it” line, managed to characterize Obama — and herself — as completely in touch with the middle class while looking to portray the opposite for Romney.
Warren, first attacking Romney by only alluding to him, pointed out that no she truly respected “made big bucks from the risky Wall Street bets that brought down our economy” or had “their money in the Cayman Islands to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.”
Arguably the most significant passage of Warren’s address had her bash a Romney comparison between Americans and business, remarking, “corporations are not people … and that matters… because we need Barack Obama.” Warren, intent on making it clear that the country is better off after four years of Obama (a largely contested point during the RNC), closed with saying that Obama “believes in a country where nobody gets a free ride or a golden parachute” and that he believes in a nation where “billionaires pay their taxes just like their secretaries do."
Warren’s primetime speech will likely give her a much needed boost in her Senate campaign, where Scott Brown’s approval rating is very high. Furthermore, her speech serves to create the potential opportunity to provide President Obama with the support of a rising star among a polarized Congress for the next four years, assuming Obama wins.
Warren’s speech stood consistent with her life-long political rhetoric, keeping true to her beliefs in regards to the economy, regulation, and the middle class, while maintaining thorough accuracy behind her message (to which there has been a distortion of during both conventions). And Obama will embrace her endorsement gladly, as he attempts to gain momentum in winning the independent vote and solidify his claim that America is better off than it was four years ago.