Ariel Winter Just Clapped Back at Chloë Grace Moretz for Clapping Back at Kim Kardashian

How long does it take for the aftershock from a naked Kim Kardashian West selfie to finally die?
That's a trick question! It won't die, ever.
Kim's infamous mirror-facing nude is back in the headlines, thanks to an Instagram post from Ariel Winter that appears to be a response to Chloë Grace Moretz's recent Glamour interview, in which Moretz doubled down on her criticism of Kardashian's nude selfie.
So just to recap (or reclap, if you will): Ariel Winter has clapped back at Chloë Grace Moretz for clapping back at Kim Kardashian West, who previously clapped back at Chloë Grace Moretz for clapping back at her for posting the nude selfie in the first place.
In a recent interview with Glamour, Moretz attempted to clarify comments she had made criticizing the idea that Kardashian West's nude selfie was a tool for sexual empowerment.
"That picture wasn't linked to body confidence," Moretz told Glamour. "It wasn't a #BodyConfidence or #LoveWhoYouAre. It was done in a slightly voyeuristic light, which I felt was a little inappropriate for young women to see?... I would hate for young women to feel they need to post certain photos in order to gain likes, retweets, favorites and male attention."
Clearly, Winter wasn't a fan of that critique: "If you take a photo in which you feel confident about yourself and think it spreads a positive image, then GO FOR IT," she wrote on Instagram.
So how did a seemingly innocuous bathroom selfie bring us to this place, nearly two months later? Well, it's been a treacherous road, one that is paved with clapbacks aplenty. It's probably best if we start from the beginning and work our way up to present day.
March 7, 2016
Kim posts the nude selfie in question on both Instagram and Twitter:
Chloë gives her two cents:
March 8, 2016
Kim responds with some very unsubtle, possibly Mariah Carey-inspired shade:
Meanwhile, Ariel Winter feels that Kim has been body shamed. She wonders: Why Kim? Why not, say, Justin Bieber, who notoriously posted nude photos of himself next to a guitar?
March 14, 2016
Chloë claps back — side note: Chloë Claps Back would be a great sitcom name — at people who labeled her initial tweet "body shaming," telling Elle:
All I'll say is that I think a lot of things can be misconstrued in a lot of ways. And I think if people open their minds more, and they try to look deeper into something than just something that is a very big, hot, fiery button to hide behind... I think if people looked into something bigger that I was trying to speak upon, they wouldn't be so easy to fire back silly, miscellaneous things.
March 17, 2016
Kim formally thanks Ariel for her March 8 Bieber tweet with some flowers:
May 4, 2016
Chloë gives spectators a more detailed takedown of Kim's selfie in Glamour:
That picture wasn't linked to body confidence. It wasn't a #BodyConfidence or #LoveWhoYouAre. It was done in a slightly voyeuristic light, which I felt was a little inappropriate for young women to see.?.. I would hate for young women to feel they need to post certain photos in order to gain likes, retweets, favorites and male attention... I wasn't slut shaming. It's not about body shaming.
She also finally responds to Kim's "no one knows you" shade:
It was aggressive, and also it was incorrect. I don't have 45 million followers or a TV show that follows my life. But people know who I am. I pride myself on having opinions, and I don't express them in snarky ways toward people.
Which brings us to Ariel's new Instagram post:
And now here we are!
How about a round of applause (yay, more clapping!) for these women and their collective ability to weave the most tangled web of clapbacks ever?