Donald Trump Says He'll Keep Attacking Hillary Clinton's Marriage on the Campaign Trail

Donald Trump has been attacking Hillary Clinton for "enabling" her husband's philandering — and sees no reason to stop.
Challenged on Monday as to why he keeps discussing Bill Clinton's infidelities in his stump speeches, as he did over the weekend in Washington state, Trump told CNN host Chris Cuomo he's sick of her playing up her status as a woman.
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"It's only retribution for what she said. She's playing the woman's card to the hilt," Trump said during a call-in appearance on New Day.
"I mean, I watched over the weekend that everything is about 'woman' and 'Donald Trump raised his voice,' and it's all nonsense. And you know what? Women understand it better than anybody," the presumptive GOP nominee said.
Invoking the Monica Lewinsky affair, Trump said Bill Clinton "was impeached! He was impeached — and then he lied about it ... [Hillary Clinton] can't talk about me, because nobody respects women more than Donald Trump," he insisted.
Playing interference on Clinton's appeals for women's votes, Trump has been attacking her as "Crooked Hillary" and calling her an "enabler" of her husband's extramarital activities. More than having looked the other way, he says she personally made the lives of some of her husband's paramours hell.
"I will be better for women by a big factor," Trump said.
Trump steamrolled on with his theory that the ladies (at the polls) love him, despite at one point by Cuomo of "grandstanding" on the issue:
Watch how well I do with women when it counts, when the election comes. Watch how well. Because women want to see strong security, they want to see strong military, they want to see borders where people can't just come crossing walking across the border like it's Swiss cheese and you see the damage that's been done to our country with the weak borders, you see what's happening — you see the crime, you see the drugs flooding in and poisoning our youth and everybody else.
Trump's assertions that Clinton doesn't do well with women don't entirely hold up: According to a Politifact analysis of RealClearPolitics poll tracking in April, Clinton consistently got bigger shares of the women's vote than Trump — and by double digits.
"We are still a long way from Election Day, of course," Politifact noted, "but if this pattern holds, it would represent a gender gap of historic proportions."
Clinton has generally avoided getting into the muck with Trump — all the while reaching out to donors and voters who think the Republican real-estate mogul's rhetoric is over the top.