These Hand-Painted GIFs Show Hillary Clinton as You’ve Never Seen Her Before

Throughout the years, Hillary Clinton's style has been called everything from iconic and empowering to lesbianic and matronly.
On various occasions, her style has been compared to a fruit basket, a bottle of mustard, even a Teletubby. Clinton herself has poked fun at this image — that of a woman who knows little about how to dress — including "pantsuit aficionado" in her Twitter bio, appropriately lumped between "hair icon" and "2016 presidential candidate."
In September 2015, speaking to Lena Dunham, Clinton admitted that while "I do like to fool around with fashion and have some fun with it... I'm hardly a fashion icon... I absolutely admit that."
Read more: With Newfound Confidence, Clinton Is Finally Having Fun With Fashion
Many would argue — with great evidence — against Clinton's own admission. But regardless of where you stand on this less-than-critical debate, the discussion of Clinton's wardrobe will likely pervade regardless of whether or not she takes a seat inside the Oval Office come January 2017.
We decided to have a much-needed dose of fun with Clinton's wardrobe, ridding her of the joked-about-to-the-point-of-nausea pantsuit and replacing her signature look with some of the most famous looks from pop culture.
From Abbi's often-worn blue bandage dress on Broad City, to J.Lo's cleavage-defying exotic green Versace dress, check out Clinton like you've never seen her before.
Paintings by James Skarbek of @Jimmyillustrated / Animations by Tri Vo.