Here's the Awesomely Feminist Trailer for "Pitch" — Fox's Barrier-Breaking New Show
Fox's new television series Pitch wants to hit a home run right through the gender barriers in Major League Baseball.
The show, which doesn't yet have an air date, centers around talented rookie pitcher Ginny Baker (played by Kylie Bunbury) who was just signed onto the San Diego Padres as the first woman to play in the MLB, or "one of the oldest, most exclusive men's clubs in the country," according to Fox's description of the show.
Her groundbreaking journey is far from easy, and she faces pressure from the media, her teammates, her demanding father (played by Michael Beach) and of course, herself.
"If it was to happen — and it will happen at some point — if the person who does it has Kylie's skill set, she's going to instantly become one of the most important women on the planet overnight," Executive producer Dan Fogelman told the Hollywood Reporter.
"It's about celebrity, fame and self-belief and self-worth," Fogelman added.
From her youth, Baker's father taught her to throw screwballs because, as he tells her in the trailer:
"A girl will never be able to throw hard enough to compete with boys, not as they start growing, it's biology and we can't change that. That's why we need a secret weapon. It's called a screwball."
Fox and MLB have partnered for the show, which gives the drama series the ability to use real teams, stadiums, players and uniforms for the most realistic depiction, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
Watch the trailer below:
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