James Corden Made the Chewbacca Mom's Dreams Come True With a Surprise From JJ Abrams

When Texas mom Candace Payne recorded herself on Facebook Live trying on a Chewbacca mask, she had no idea she was about to become a viral celebrity. Since the video, which now has over 140 million views, Kohl's has sent her Chewbacca masks and Star Wars merchandise for her entire family, she's appeared on Good Morning America and been interviewed by countless news outlets. But Payne's star treatment wouldn't be complete without a car ride with James Corden.
On Monday night's The Late Late Show, Corden said he had recently tried to hitch a ride with Payne to work. Payne, however, was still a little too enchanted with her Chewbacca mask to pay him any mind.
"I know you're pleased with your purchase, but you know, I've got places to go," Corden says as he sat in the passenger seat for the first time. "Is there anyway we can hurry this up?" He tells Payne the mask doesn't sound anything like Chewbacca, which is when the two get a visit from a surprise guest:
"I gotta disagree," says Star Wars director J.J. Abrams. "I think it's an excellent Chewbacca."
Read more: Chewbacca Mask Prices Soar on Amazon After Woman's Viral Video in a Kohl's Parking Lot
Abrams and Corden join in on the fun and put on their own Chewbacca masks and dissolve into a fit of giggles.
Later on the show, Corden shares a message from Peter Mayhew, Chewbacca himself, telling Payne he's arranged for her and her family to do a private meet and greet with him at an upcoming Dallas fan expo.
"Candace you are an inspiration," Mayhew wrote. "Your attitude and lovely message really resonates and spreads the good word of Star Wars with a heart while it's so much of why we do what we do."