Justin Bieber Coldly Throws Fan's Gift Out Car Window, Belieber Hearts Break

Tensions are high between Justin Bieber and his Beliebers right now. He's employed a cardboard cutout to stand in for him at fan meet and greets, he's vetoed selfies with fans and now a video of the 22-year-old entertainer stoically tossing a fan's gift out a car window in May is going viral.
In the short clip, fans bombarded Bieber's car and someone hands him a blue item — maybe a little too close to his face. He flings it out the window before rolling it up.
The gift turned out to be an Argentine flag, given to him by a 15-year-old girl. According to a Facebook post, she had waited for hours outside of his hotel and in the moment, threw the flag at him.
"Of course it was not my intention for it to fall close to his face, so I apologized a thousand times," she wrote. "He looked at me... grabbed the flag, threw it on the pavement and shut the window."
She claimed that he could hear her apology and "could have treated me better."
Bieber has yet to address the situation, but, strangely enough, this isn't his first controversy with the Argentine flag. In 2013, Bieber was banned from performing in the country after he kicked away flags that fans threw onstage during a performance; the situation was made worse when his bodyguard got into a scuffle with a local paparazzi member.
Read more: In One (Failure to) Tweet, Justin Bieber May Have Just Cost Himself $650,000