Can You Spot Why This Super Empowering Breastfeeding Photo Is Going Viral?

Every so often, the internet is blessed with a stunning photo that challenges breastfeeding stigma and empowers nursing moms to free the nipple and publicly feed their babies without shame.
The latest breastfeeding photo to go viral? It may just be the best one yet!
The image was initially shared on Reddit by user adalab under the title "nursing in a public place? Seriously?" and has since sparked a compelling conversation on the site.
"Those tits doe," one commenter wrote.
"Oh deer," replied another.
While past viral breastfeeding photos have been shot at boring locations like parks, beaches, restaurants, black tie weddings, regular weddings, wide open fields, Santa's lap, stripper poles, subway trains, graduation ceremonies or private living rooms, there's something about this doe's bold decision to stand in front of oncoming traffic while feeding her young that makes this viral breastfeeding photo the bravest and most empowering viral breastfeeding photo there is.