2 Dead at UCLA After Gunman Opens Fire on Campus

The University of California, Los Angeles, went into lockdown on Wednesday afternoon after gunfire at an engineering building on campus resulted in two deaths.
According to Los Angeles Police Department Chief Charlie Beck, the incident has been ruled a murder-suicide, with Fox 11's Gigi Graciette reporting a suicide note was found at the scene.
Per KTLA, the entire LAPD was put on citywide alert and hundreds of officers were deployed to the campus and surrounding neighborhoods.
An official UCLA Twitter account, as well as the student newspaper, relayed orders to shelter in a "safe and secure" place and "deny entry" to intruders while authorities investigated the incident.
"After I entered my department building, I received an alert," Wanmeng Li, a graduate student in the department of Asian languages and cultures who was locked down in Royce Hall, told Mic via phone. "The alert said all the buildings were locked down. There were rumors that there were more than three shooters."
"It was frightening," she added. "It's the first time for me to experience this."
"I was in a classroom in a main building (Royce Hall) at 10 a.m. when news came over the UCLA text and email alert system," Jonathan Banfill, a teaching assistant and doctoral student at the university, said in a separate phone interview. "As more news came in over the next 20 minutes, we locked down the room and have been waiting for the past two hours."
"We can hear helicopters outside and sirens, but not much else," Banfill added. "Otherwise following the story via social media and news reports. Campus is quiet now with the majority of people inside buildings. We heard that police are slowly clearing buildings floor by floor, but haven't reached our part of campus yet."
A UCLA staff member who was not authorized to give his name to the press told Mic over the phone, "We brought students into our office that were nearby in the lobby and outside, and have been in place since. The staff here is on high alert, but we're calm."
Heavily armed LAPD and FBI tactical teams were still clearing the building as of 2 p.m. EST.
However, by 3 p.m. EST, the situation appeared to be winding down, with dozens of tactical officers being pulled from buildings on campus.
Agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the FBI, as well as multiple bomb squads, participated in the investigation, according to a live feed from KTLA.
KTLA producer Val Gratias posted a photo to Twitter that she said showed a victim being pulled from the scene by emergency personnel.
Another tweet from the scene showed people barricading a door on campus.
Jon Levine contributed additional reporting to this article.
This is a breaking news story.
June 1, 2016, 4:58 p.m. Eastern: This story has been updated.