Powerful Photos Capture the Pain and Anguish of Posting Photos to Social Media


It's no secret that social media platforms are a breeding ground for filtered and altered images. 

Those #SelfieSunday photos your old friend from high school posted? Edited

The frustratingly perfect lifestyle blogger shots? Probably the work of some extra saturation or exposure. 

Two students at Birmingham City University in England are calling this out through a powerful visual campaign. 

It's called UnEdit. And it goal highlight the pressures to fit an ideal image on social media.

Jade Johnson

The photos urge people to fight back against beauty standards presented on social media.

Jade Johnson

The campaign is the brainchild of Jade Johnson and Laura Dawkes.  

Jade Johnson

Johnson felt that her personal Instagram posts didn't authentically represent who she was. 

Jade Johnson

"We should be proud of who we are," Johnson said in an email. "We wanted UnEdit to build us back up and give women that confidence to believe they are beautiful."

Jade Johnson

Because after all, "we are women and we are strong." 

Jade Johnson

See the full visual campaign here