Blac Chyna Wants to Gain 100 Pounds During Her Pregnancy and We're Like, "Girl, Same"

Blac Chyna — the eyelash enthusiast whose uterus is currently hosting a Kardashian fetus — is totally OK with putting on serious baby weight. In fact, she aspires to!
"My goal is to gain, like, 100 pounds this pregnancy," she revealed in a Snapchat post Sunday that featured her stepping on a digital scale to reveal that she is already 26.6% of the way there. "I'mma tear it up, then I'mma snap back."
If she's anything like her future sister-in-law Kim, that whole "snapping back" part might involve a grueling post-baby workout routine that consists of "running 4 miles, planks, push ups, 1000 jump ropes & abs."
But enough about physical torture. Back to Blac Chyna's goal of gaining 100 pounds during her pregnancy. It is a very excellent goal — even if you're not Blac Chyna. And even if you're not pregnant! Honestly, we should all just gain 100 pounds during Blac Chyna's pregnancy. Why? Because food tastes good.