Someone Hacked a Nintendo Power Glove Controller to Fly Drones

A genius just dusted off an old '80s Nintendo Power Glove and turned it into something so badass. Not that the Power Glove wasn't badass in its day. It obviously was.
Engineer Nolan Moore took a 1989 Nintendo Power Glove and modernized its guts, keeping the exterior intact, so that the retro gizmo could control a drone with the flick of a wrist.
Using gesture controls, Moore is seen at the Bay Area Maker Faire tilting, pointing and twisting his Power Glove Universal HID, or Human Interface Device, to command the drone.
"An overhaul of the iconic Power Glove to allow it to control robots, drones or anything your heart desires," Moore writes on the Hackaday page. Cool. Gutting a bunch of failed '80s gloves will deliver us to our Magneto future.