#StillBernie Shows Sanders' Most Fervent Supporters Desperately Clinging to His Candidacy

Bernie Sanders supporters were simply not having any of Hillary Clinton's lemonade after the Associated Press reported the former secretary of state clinched the Democratic nomination on Monday. Embattled Sanders supporters, who shared their frustration with the hashtag #StillBernie.
Although she continued to win in key battlegrounds like California and New Jersey on Tuesday, the day after the AP report, and has enough pledged delegates to consider herself the presumptive nominee, thousands of Twitter users were essentially begging for one last chance to feel the Bern.
Twitter was enraged with the AP's calling the nomination a day before six more primaries, though many #BernieOrBust supporters hoped Clinton supporters wouldn't head to the polls after hearing their candidate had already won the nomination.
Looking ahead, Clinton is hoping Sanders will help unite the Democratic party with her as its nominee, telling CNN on Sunday, "I'm going to do everything I can to reach out to try to unify the Democratic party, and I expect Senator Sanders to do the same."
Though Sanders has been making moves that would seem in line with a forthcoming concession — he announced his endorsement of two progressive congressmen through his campaign's email lists — the senator says he hasn't given up on his bid for the White House.
It was all getting out of hand, with #StillBernie trending with more tweets worldwide than Clinton's #HistoryMade hashtag — which meant it was time for one of Twitter's most powerful voices to say her piece.
"If you're a Bernie supporter voting for Trump because Bernie is out, holy shit, I hate you," swimsuit model Chrissy Teigen wrote. "Some of you are absolutely delusional and insane."
Which she was dragged for by Sanders supporters.
Unfortauntely for Sanders supporters, the grassroots campaign could be coming to an imminent halt. CNN's Nightcap reported President Obama spoke with Sanders over the weekend. This is the same week in 2008 in which Clinton conceded her White House campaign to Obama.
And if she gets her way, Sanders will soon be repeating Clinton's history, as she says it was simply "the right thing to do."
Read more: Hillary Clinton Just Made History — And It's Time to Recognize it