Surprise: Young Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Supporters Actually Agree on Gun Control

Young supporters of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump couldn't be further apart on all the major issues — or so you might think.
A recent survey of millennials by MTV Insights — perhaps all the more relevant after the weekend massacre at a gay Florida nightspot — shows millennials of all political stripes come together on who should have guns, who shouldn't, where and why.
Read more: Astronaut Mark Kelly's Fight to Stop People on the Terror Watch List From Buying Guns
A supermajority of millennial backers of both Democrat Clinton and Republican Trump in a poll in April expressed support for gun control. Some 88% supported mental health screenings for gun purchasers, and 66% backed a one-month waiting period between buying a gun and getting it.
The MTV Insight findings came after the mass murders in December in San Bernardino, California, but before this past weekend's slayings at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando.
The results also included a stunning disclosure by the survey subjects: Close to 1 in 5 (19%) said they personally know a victim of gun violence.
MTV Insights screened members of other demographic groups, including baby boomers and Gen Xers.
Among millennials, nearly a quarter (23%) have owned a gun themselves, and 56% either grew up in a house where someone owned a gun or say they know someone who did.
Young people also had strong feelings about where guns should and should not be lawful to carry.
The highest percentage, 70%, said guns should be banned from elementary and middle schools, such as the site of the 2012 slayings in Newtown, Connecticut, while 62% approved of keeping weapons out of bars and 61% said they had no place on college campuses and theaters, both of which have been the scene of notorious mass killings in the U.S. over the last decade.
Meanwhile, a dramatic 87% agreed with former astronaut and Navy veteran Mark Kelly, husband of shooting victim and former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, whose Americans for Responsible Solutions argues that people on the terrorism watch list should not be able to own guns.
Support for banning guns ownership by people convicted of domestic abuse was exactly as high, and it was even higher — 91% — for "a college student with a history of mental illness." Eighty-four percent said they'd keep guns from people with substance abuse problems.
Mariana Agathoklis, vice president of MTV Communications, declined to provide the full research data from the national survey of 500 millennials (ages 18 to 34), 200 Xers (35 to 50) and 200 boomers (51 to 70), describing it as "proprietary."
Notably, 81% of those surveyed supported gun access for "someone who wants a gun for protection."
To the other extreme, 38% said they backed allowing only members of the military or police to bear arms at all.