This Nail Artist Just Applied 116 Coats of Polish — All Because She Was Bored


When some folks are bored they read a book or watch an entire season of Grace & Frankie on Netflix. Others, like Cristine Rotenberg, nail art blogger behind Simply Nailogical, spend over 15 hours painting coats of nail polish onto their nails — 116 to be exact.

Because, well, why not? 

Rotenberg posted a video, which has since watched over eight million times, of her building a "polish mountain" on her nails. One by one she painted a different color onto her nails, waited for it to dry and repeated this 115 more times. 

"I decided to do this after many people online challenged me to see how many coats of nail polish I could put on my nails," she said in an interview. "Had no idea it would take this long, but at least people now know they probably don't want to do this themselves?" 


This was the result:


Have an extra few hours? You might as well see how many layers of nail polish you can paint on. Rotenberg, who has over 400,000 followers on Instagramrecommends tagging #PolishMountain on social media if you do.

And believe it or not, people are jumping on the bizarre bandwagon.

At least #PolishMountain nails are safer than the bubble nail trend that popped up earlier this year, right?

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