Khloé Kardashian Reveals the Sad Truth That Came With Losing All That Weight

Both of Khloé Kardashian's closets — one for her clothes and one for fitness-only related items —are lined with designer pieces that were likely hand-picked for the reality star. But, just a few years ago, this wasn't the case, as many stylists refused to work with her. 

"I definitely think the fashion industry, and people in general, look at me more now that I've lost weight," the 31-year-old explained to Bazaar in a new interview. "Even on shoots, I would never have options for clothing. There would always be this attention on Kourtney and Kim, but I was too much work for [stylists] or they had nothing in my size. I wasn't even that crazy big!"

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There was one stylist, Monica Rose, that worked with and treated Kardashian just like her sisters, regardless of her different body shape. Rose, who also often styles Gigi Hadid and Chrissy Teigen, has been working with the Kardashian crew since season one of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. 

"At my fattest, Monica would always come with racks of clothes and make me feel special. She never told me, 'Oh, they don't have that in your size,'" she said. "Other people actually said, 'I just can't work with you' — because I was too big." 

Kardashian has a simple, two word response to those once refused to and now want to dress her for events, "Fuck you," adding, "I'm not going to reward your bad behavior."

Kardashian brings up a point that many trying to break into or navigate the fashion industry know too well — a lot of clothing lines, ads and editorials cater to "thin" women. But, with plus-size celebrities like Melissa McCarthy and Rebel Wilson launching inclusive clothing lines, body-positive ad campaigns and models of different shapes and sizes taking over magazine covers, times are slowly changing. 

But even so, Kardashian continues to candidly speak about her weight insecurities or issues she's previously faced while shopping, leading fans to believe she is the most relatable sister out of the entire Kardashian/Jenner mix. 

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"People think I'm more 'real'," she told Bazaar. "I'm the first person to say if I didn't do something right or that I could have done something differently. I share so much, maybe more in-depth than my sisters, and I think people appreciate that."

If there's anything that recent studies have shown, it's that people want to hear and see what's real — and Kardashian is here to do just that.

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