Amber Rose Just Nailed the One Thing About Stretch Marks That All Women Need to Hear

Amber Rose, queen of keeping it 100, isn't ashamed of the stretch marks covering parts of her famously curvaceous figure. The model and soon-to-be reality TV star revealed exactly why while attending an exclusive Daily Mail party at Cannes Lions festival — because literally everyone has them.
"As women, we all get self conscious of our stretch marks and cellulite," the 32-year-old told Daily Mail. "But as long as you know that every single woman in the world has it, you kinda just feel like, 'hey! Let me just embrace it,' you know? That's just who we are."
Rose's career has been built largely thanks to her unapologetic acceptance of the female body in all its glory.
From her Los Angeles Slut Walk, a march against slut-shaming that will extend this year to New York, to her candid remarks about body positivity, Rose is a pillar of what a woman can be in her unique, individual right when she lets go of society's constraints in terms of beauty standards.
"Girls should do whatever the fuck they want," Rose says, starting off her promotional video for the forthcoming VH1 series, the Amber Rose Show. "I'm certified sex positive, I have multiple degrees in multiple positions, I'm a licensed selfie taker, I have a black belt in motherhood, I'm the mother effing CEO of no shame, and I'm the SVP of women supporting women."
That about sums it up.
Luckily, it looks like we won't have to worry about Rose letting up on body positivity in her later years either:
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