Tomi Lahren Said Jesse Williams' BET Speech Was a 'War on Cops,' and the Internet Went Off

If you missed Jesse Williams' speech during the 2016 BET Awards about what it means to be black in America, then you missed one of the most powerful five minutes in recent television history.
However, some people, like The Blaze commentator Tomi Lahren, were not as inspired by Williams' words as others. In a video posted to her Facebook page on Tuesday, Lahren shouts that she saw "a lot of victimhood" at the BET Awards and "a lot of police bashing."
Lahren begins the video on the defensive, asking if her "whiteness" impedes her from criticizing the BET Awards — but she continues on her rant anyway. She slams BET for giving the Grey's Anatomy star the humanitarian award because he "perpetuates the war on cops."
Lahren used the story of 12-year-old Tamir Rice to try to make a point about unarmed black men.
That's right — Lahren used the story of a cop shooting someone not yet in their teens to make a point about how, when black victims are sometimes unarmed, "it's certainly not for lack of trying." Lahren talks about times that black men have grabbed an officer's gun or equipment to attack police.
However, this was not the case for Rice, who was shot while playing in a playground.
Lahren then turns to a moment in Williams' speech where he says that anyone who criticizes Black Lives Matter should have a documented critique of black oppression as well.
"White people, yeah, we do have a record of critique of your oppression," Lahren says in the video. "In fact, do you know how many of our ancestors fought in the Civil War to free your ancestors?" Lahren delivered this line with a straight face after asking what rights black people in America do not have.
While Lahren seems to critique Williams for his words in the video, it becomes increasingly clear that she's just butthurt about Williams calling out whiteness. Lahren brings it up several times, each time becoming angrier and angrier.
"I won't be apologizing for my whiteness, just as you don't need to apologize for your blackness," the host says.
The commenters caught on to her whiteness problem, as well.
"Your remarks are racist, uneducated and selfish," one commenter wrote. "God does not bless such stupidity."
Another commenter wrote that Lahren is "one of the people Jesse was talking about."
Watch the entire rant below.
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