Watch Lady Gaga Perform "Born This Way" for a Boy in a Mexican Foster Care Center


Lady Gaga recently gave one of her most stripped down performances yet — but it wasn't in a stadium, or a studio. It was crouching on the floor of a children's foster care center in Mexico. 

Gaga was visiting Casa Hogar in Cabo San Lucas to provide the home for boys with books and backpacks when a boy named Christian asked to hear a song, Billboard reported Monday. That's when Gaga, holding a Sesame's Street toy in one hand and snapping with her other, began singing "Born This Way" — a message of self-acceptance, love and pride for youth. 

Gaga leaves it all on the floor of the care center in video of the performance, nailing each note, which led the room to clap to the beat.

Gaga tweeted the video of her a cappella ballad, which the foster care group posted to Facebook. "Casa Hogar Cabo AC Facebook Group: donate to these gorgeous boys, help build a home so they can be w/ their sisters," she tweeted. The nonprofit organization is home to 31 boys between the ages of 4 to 18 years old, according to its website.

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