Scientists Have Figured Out How to Make Beer From Urine

Jesus may have turned water into wine, but scientists in Belgium are transforming urine into beer. Researchers at the University of Ghent invented a boiler that harnesses solar power to separate the fertilizer from the water in urine, the Telegraph noted. The researchers are using the water to then make beer.
If you thought milking cockroaches was taking things a step too far, this beer's probably not for you. "We call it 'from sewer to brewer,'" Sebastiaan Derese, one of the researchers, told Reuters.
The water generated from the process is completely safe to drink, according to the scientists. They tested the method at a music festival in Ghent where they collected 1,000 liters of clean water in just 10 days. They are now in the process of using the water to make beer, the Telegraph wrote.
Researchers hope to install their urine purification device in "shopping malls, sporting arenas and airports, with the ultimate goal to bring clean water to rural areas and developing countries," the Telegraph said. So who knows, having a small bladder might benefit others one day soon.
The Belgian scientists aren't the first to turn to surprising sources of water to make beer. A brewery in California turned to wastewater from NASA as a source of water during the California drought earlier this year to make beer, Bloomberg noted. In May, another resourceful distillery in California started making vodka from water it collected from fog.
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