Amber Heard's Lawyers Call BS on Johnny Depp After Deposition Goes Awry

Johnny Depp's legal camp continues to tell a very different story from Amber Heard's in a court-ordered deposition hearing regarding the actress' request for a permanent domestic violence restraining order against Depp.
People has obtained court documents from what was supposed to be Heard's deposition hearing on Saturday. Apparently, the hearing never happened.
Depp's team claims this was because Heard threw a tantrum, arriving nearly two hours late for her 10 a.m. appointment and refusing to enter the deposition room to give her statement, People reported.
In the documents, Depp's attorney, Laura Wasser, reportedly alleges Heard behaved in a "manic and irrational" manner, "hysterically crying and pacing in her separate conference room, or screaming and yelling at times and laughing at others."
Heard filed for divorce from Depp in May, citing irreconcilable differences amid accusations of domestic abuse. The allegations cued a chorus of victim blaming, despite photos of bruises on her face. Witnesses spoke up in support of Heard's accusation, yet she eventually dropped her request for spousal support, saying it was being used "to distract and divert the public away from the very serious real issue of domestic violence."
Since Heard accused Depp of spousal abuse, Heard's lawyers said Depp's legal team has attempted to paint her as a gold digger. In addition, they've tried to keep her witnesses from testifying. According to People, Depp's lawyers are now trying to keep her off the stand when the case goes to trial, and to get the allegations of domestic abuse dropped.
An unnamed source told People that Heard showed up for her hearing "ready, willing and able to go forward with her deposition." The problem, according to the source, was that his attorneys wouldn't depose her.
"It did not go forward. She was there for 10 hours," Heard's attorney, Joseph Koenig, told the presiding judge, Carl H. Moor, according to People. "[Depp's] counsel may have a different view if they think we sat there and did nothing. It is inaccurate."