'Big Brother 18': A Double Eviction Leads to an Iconic Speech From Michelle

It's the day we've all been waiting for — the double eviction. The houseguests have been plotting about who they'd send out on double eviction night for quite a while now, and we finally saw if they followed through with their plans to nominate Bridgette and Victor.
The alliances in the house are shifting, and PP (Paul and Paulie) may be no more. Paulie tells Bridgette that the person he trusts most is Corey, not Paul. "Friendship's out the window," Paul says when he hears that.
The first eviction is between Zakiyah and Michelle.
First eviction
James wins the power to veto two of his fellow players' votes for this eviction. He chose to block Paul and Corey's votes.
Paulie votes to evict Michelle, Natalie votes for Zakiyah, Nicole votes for Michelle, James votes for Zakiyah and Bridgette votes for Zakiyah. Zakiyah is evicted from the house.
Once Zakiyah leaves the house, host Julie Chen reveals Zakiyah has a one way ticket out of the game, meaning she's headed to the jury house. She lays the blame for her eviction on Paulie — with whom she had a rocky showmance — but hopes he wants to stay in contact with her outside of the house.
Head of Household
This Head of Household competition is called "Statcathalon." Julie Chen reads the houseguests a statistic about this season of Big Brother and the contestants are asked if the real number is more or less than the number given.
Corey wins the competition quickly, causing fans on Twitter to express their anger in a whole variety of ways.
Corey is then forced to nominate two players for eviction almost immediately after winning. So he nominates Bridgette and Michelle for eviction.
Power of Veto
The Veto competition is called "Veto Time." The players have to jump over obstacles and into ball pits to find clocks and put them into little holders. Once again, Corey pulls it off and wins the Power of Veto.
Corey chooses not to use the Power of Veto on his nominations and leaves them as he originally intended: Bridgette and Michelle.
Second eviction
Bridgette and Michelle are given the opportunity to plead their case, and Michelle goes wild with a speech to remember.
"My goal was to get Paulie's game to be blown up," Michelle said. "I accomplished that in the past 24 hours and I'm so happy. So I can walk out that door so happy. ... Nicole is a snake. Jozea was right ... don't trust her."
Even after that dramatic speech, Bridgette is the one who ends up getting evicted. Natalie is the only one to vote for Michelle.
As Bridgette is evicted, Chen reveals that Bridgette has a one-way ticket as well, so she will also be headed to the jury house.
The next episode of Big Brother will air Sunday at 8 p.m. Eastern on CBS.