'Big Brother 18': Natalie wins Head of Household, but who did she nominate for eviction?

In a special Friday night episode of Big Brother, contestants played in a series of prize competitions. One was for cash, another for a TV, tablet and phone and the last was for an advantage in this week's Head of Household competition.
In the HOH comp, the houseguests have 10 separate 30-second chances to search through a pitch black room for disks, then stack those disks on a pole. Michelle, who won the advantage, gets an extra chance. The contestants also have to hold onto a button and wait for a voice to tell them they can search. The first person to stack 10 discs in two hours, who hasn't accidentally let go of their button, wins.
While the contestants search for disks, viewers see a flashback to what happened 82 minutes before Paulie was sent backing on Thursday night's episode. Knowing that he was going to be evicted, Paulie tells Nicole, Corey and Paul to get rid of Victor and James.
To attempt to take any target off her back, Nicole goes to James and Natalie and tells them exactly what Paulie had just said. But, Nicole makes it seem that Paul agreed with Paulie and that Paul was going to try and get James out.
"I feel super betrayed by Paul," Natalie says. "Now I'm coming after you."
After this conversation, the cameras pan back to the HOH competition. Michelle accidentally lets go of her button and is eliminated first. James then falls and is also eliminated. At the end of the competition, both Corey and Natalie have found 10 disks. Natalie, who found the 10 the fastest, ends up winning.
Natalie and James have been playing both sides of the house, so Nicole is worried now that Natalie is in charge. "I can't believe our fate is in her hands," she says to Corey.
Victor thinks that this week's target should be Corey and Nicole. "The last two times I was HOH, I didn't put [Natalie] on the block."
Despite still being in a state of shock that she won the competition, Natalie joins forces with James, Corey and Nicole. Meanwhile, Paul, who once again seems to be the only houseguest who understands the game best, goes to James and Natalie and says he wouldn't be surprised if "Tweedledee and Tweedledum," or Nicole and Corey, try and make a deal with them.
"I'm going to leave you alone," Paul says to Natalie. "Do what's best for your game."
Victor starts to get suspicious when he walks into the HOH room, where Natalie, Corey and James are. "They literally just like stopped talking," he tells Paul. "Something is off." He adds: "Why can't people just stick to a plan?" (Because this is Big Brother.)
Friendship Times With Paul
Paul decided to start his own talk show, where he literally talks to the cameras — by himself. "Being a multidimensional man, I like to discuss a multitude of things during friendship time," he says.
Things we learned: Paul doesn't trim his own beard; he has some little blonde hairs in his beard; his strategy moving forward is "win"; he misses his family.
BB care package
Michelle wins this week's care package. Inside are tissues, a headband, brownies and the power of being Co-HOH. She is safe for the week, shares the HOH bedroom and will pick one of the nominees for eviction.
Nomination ceremony
Michelle quickly tells Natalie that she "wants Nicole for sure." But, Natalie tells her that they need to get out the strongest two people in the house: Paul and Victor. "They're taking each other to final two," she tells Michelle.
While the two agree on Paul, Michelle doesn't want to put up Victor because he's never "harmed" her. Instead, she wants to break up Nicole and Corey.
Natalie ends up nominating Victor, and Michelle nominates Paul. "I can see you winning this game," Michelle tells Paul.
"Sitting on the block right now, not friendship," Paul says in the diary room.
"They have messed with the wrong one," Victor adds. "It's not going to be fun living with me."
Big Brother returns Wednesday at 8 p.m. Eastern on CBS.