Donald Trump seems to think women don't look "presidential" enough

Donald Trump is once again facing questions about gendered attacks on the campaign trail.
In an interview with ABC News' David Muir, Trump said Hillary Clinton doesn't have a "presidential look" — a comment some said was based on the fact that Clinton is a woman.
"Well, I just don't think she has a presidential look, and you need a presidential look," Trump said in the interview, which aired on Good Morning America.
Muir pressed Trump further, asking whether Trump was talking about Clinton's "aesthetics."
"I'm talking about general," Trump said.
Reporters on Twitter suggested Trump was referring to Clinton's gender as the reason she did not look presidential.
This is not the first time Trump has questioned a woman's appearance.
In the primary, Trump attacked rival Republican presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina on her looks.
"Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?" Trump said in an interview with Rolling Stone in 2015. "Can you imagine that, the face of our next president."
After the death of former first lady Nancy Reagan in March, media organizations dredged up disparaging remarks Trump had made about her in 2004, when he said, "She was never very beautiful."
Trump has also gotten into spats with female journalists, including Fox News' Megyn Kelly, whom he suggested was menstruating when she launched into a tough line of questioning against Trump during a primary debate.
Polling shows Trump at a steep deficit among women voters — a crucial voting bloc he needs to perform better with if he wants a shot at the White House in November.