Jill Stein deleted a truly mind-numbing tweet about Hillary Clinton’s health

Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein deleted a tweet Tuesday afternoon in which she called on #HackingHillary to take a #JillChillPill and drop out of the race — a halting attempt to gain traction from Hillary Clinton's allergy-induced coughing fit on the campaign trail Monday.
"#HackingHillary, here's my prescription: Take a #JillChillPill and stop campaigning altogether to ensure global peace. #PagingDrStein," the now-deleted tweet read.
By tweeting about Clinton's coughing, Stein, a physician by trade, appeared to be joining those who have attacked Clinton's health — attacks that have led some conservative news outlets as well as Republican nominee Donald Trump to embrace conspiracy theories that Clinton is severely ill.
Trump — who has questioned whether Clinton has the "stamina" required of a president — himself tweeted about Clinton's coughing fit Tuesday.
It's unclear why Stein's campaign deleted the tweet — but it's not the first embarrassing moment Stein's faced on the campaign trail in recent weeks.
Over the weekend, Stein mistakenly flew to the wrong Ohio city for a planned campaign rally — leaving leaving rally-goers waiting for hours for her to travel from Cincinnati to Columbus, where her rally was actually being held.
She also took heat last month for defending her vice presidential running mate, Ajamu Baraka, who called President Barack Obama an "Uncle Tom."