Joss Whedon launches campaign to get people to vote and see Mark Ruffalo naked

Director Joss Whedon is used to saving the world with the help of superheroes and vampire slayers. But he's pulling out the big guns for the biggest challenge yet: getting people to vote this election, and not for Donald Trump.
Wednesday, Whedon unveiled the first video from his super PAC, Save the Day, featuring a star-studded celebrity ensemble, including Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Keegan-Michael Key, Julianne Moore, Jesse Williams and Neil Patrick-Harris. The video, simply titled "Important," has a simple, but resonant message: Every vote counts, so be sure to do so in November. Otherwise, as these celebs strongly hint, we could be looking at a Trump presidency.
Or, as Don Cheadle describes him:
Trump — and Hillary Clinton, for that matter — aren't explicitly mentioned by name, but when Hamilton's Leslie Odom Jr. talks about the danger of giving "nuclear weapons to a man whose signature move is firing things," the inclination is clear.
The video ends with a light-hearted tone, however, imploring people to vote this election — and if they do, Mark Ruffalo will do a nude scene in his next movie. Everyone in the video is on board, except maybe Ruffalo.
Watch the first Save the Day spot below.