What we know about the Keith Lamont Scott shooting video

The Tuesday death of 43-year-old Keith Lamont Scott, a married father of seven who was fatally shot by police in Charlotte, North Carolina, has sparked protests throughout the city. Conflicting accounts of the details surrounding the shooting from Scott's family and the police department have spurred demands that officials release video footage of the shooting.
Scott's family has said that he was unarmed and reading a book in his car when he was shot and killed by officers, the Washington Post reports. Police have said that Scott was holding a gun.
The Washington Post reports that several officers at the scene were wearing body cameras.
On Thursday, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Kerr Putney announced there were no immediate plans to release the video footage of Scott's shooting death to the public, the Washington Post reported, telling reporters, "Transparency is in the eye of the beholder ... If you think I'm saying we should display a victim's worst day for public consumption, that is not the transparency I'm speaking of."
"You shouldn't expect it to be released," Putney said Thursday, according to the Washington Post.
He added that the footage didn't definitively answer the question of whether or not Scott pointed a gun at officers. "The video does not give me absolute definitive visual evidence that would confirm that a person is pointing a gun," he said. "I did not see that in the videos that I've reviewed."
NBC News reported that on Thursday night, a lawyer for Scott's family released a statement saying the family had seen police video of the shooting. Justin Bamberg, an attorney for Scott's family, said the video footage the family had been allowed to see indicated that, when police ordered Scott to get out of his car, he did so "in a very calm, non-aggressive manner."
According to Bamberg, at the moment Scott was shot, his "hands were by his side and he was slowly walking backwards."
Both the police and family's accounts of the videos suggest the footage shows police gave Scott multiple verbal commands before opening fire.
On Friday, Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts called for the public release of the video of Scott's death. Roberts told CNN said she had seen the video of Scott's death, adding, "I would like to have it released."
While Roberts said she does not have the authority to demand the release of the footage, she said "it is only a matter of time" before it is made public.
The Washington Post reported that in a since-deleted Facebook video, a woman identifying herself as Scott's daughter said police used a stun gun on Scott and shot him four times. "My daddy didn't do nothing," she said in the video. "They just pulled up undercover."
Sept. 23, 2016, 12:22 p.m. Eastern: This story has been updated.