Kim Kardashian reassures world that she #StraightUp stands with Hillary Clinton


Phew! Kim Kardashian West will be voting for Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump. The reality TV star put political controversy to bed Saturday, tweeting her unequivocal support for the Democratic candidate with a link to her website, where she illuminated the necessary context behind that internet-exploding "quote" from Friday, in which she admitted to being "on the fence" about casting her ballot.

"Without a doubt, I stand with Hillary," Kardashian West wrote. "I'm with her. I believe Hillary will best represent our country and is the most qualified for the job. This year, I'm not just voting for myself, but also for my children, and I took that into careful consideration when I made my decision."

The quote in question — the one that planted a seed of doubt in the internet's collective headspace — allegedly ran in Wonderland magazine's autumn 2016 issue. As Buzzfeed reported, the statement is nowhere to be found in the online article, nor is it included in the PDF version on the author's page; rather, it seems to have been sent to select media outlets. But the quote reportedly read: "At first I thought, 'Oh, my god, I'm so Hillary [Clinton],' but then I had a long political call with Caitlyn [Jenner] last night about why she's voting Trump. I'm on the fence." 

Given that Kardashian West has previously pledged her allegiance to Clinton on social media, her fans, followers and the public in generally were simply flabbergasted. And relieved to see her tweeted reassurance that she is "#STRAIGHTUP" with her. 

"There was a point when I wasn't 100% sure I was even going to vote in this election; I didn't want to vote blindly," Kardashian West explained on her website. "But I also thought about how not voting would mean that I wasn't making my voice heard, so I decided to talk to my closest friends and family who I love and trust, to have an open conversation about politics."

"I believe we owe it to ourselves, and to each other, to ask questions," she continued. "To do our research so that we vote for the candidate who represents our own beliefs. We should start at a place of openness, receptiveness and honesty, and we should talk to those we love, trust and respect."

To that end, she spoke with Jenner, an avowed Trump supporter, who encouraged her step-daughter to spend some time evaluating all the nominees' platforms "and then vote for the candidate whose policies aligned with the things that matter most to me," Kim said. She did that, and landed with Clinton. 

So glad we've cleared that up!