Donald Trump’s fat-shaming at the debate is pissing off feminists and the alt-right alike

Donald Trump accomplished the impossible Monday night with his performance at the first presidential debate: He got feminists and the alt right to agree on something.
The two diametrically opposed groups were both put off by Trump's fat-shaming during his 90-minute stand off with Hillary Clinton, voicing disgust with the billionaire's stigmatizing remarks about people of size.
Posts on 4chan, a message board site trafficked by the alt-right, a political group composed of mostly white men with white supremacist undertones, said Trump lost the debate.
"OK guys, let's cut the bullshit. Trump actually sucked tonight," one user posted, according to the Daily Beast.
Many of them were put off by Trump's claim that it may have been "someone sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds" who hacked into the Democratic National Committee's emails — despite mounting evidence that the hack was perpetrated by the Russians.
"Which one of you 400lb ass holes hacked the DNC," another member from on 4chan, the Daily Beast reported.
Yet another user posted an image titled "fat-computer-guy," along with the comment, "[Your face when] Trump calls you out for being a 400 pound hacker," according to the Daily Beast.
Feminists, on the other hand, were appalled by Trump's unearthed comments about former Miss Universe winner Alicia Machado, whom he forced to work out in front of television cameras after she reportedly gained weight.
Clinton brought Machado's story up during the debate, saying Trump's treatment of Machado is an example of his disrespect for women. And Trump kept up with the story Tuesday morning, defending his comments against Machado whom he said "gained a massive amount of weight."
Machado herself responded to Trump's attacks against her, saying that 20 years after Trump first shamed her for her weight, she feels like she's living in "a bad dream."
"I never imagined that 20 years later I would be in this moment watching this guy again doing a stupid thing, stupid comments," Machado said Tuesday in a conference call with reporters.
Twitter users were aghast that Trump defended his treatment of Machado, which Machado said led her to suffer eating disorders.
Some even tried to shame him back, saying Trump's attacks on Machado were hypocritical because Trump is overweight himself.
Though the agreement between feminists and the alt-right is likely to prove fleeting, it underscores Trump's stridently alienating performance in the first showdown of the general election.