Where is Hurricane Matthew now? Latest look at storm's path


After spending the week barreling through Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba,  and the Bahamas, Hurricane Matthew is now headed straight for the Florida coast. According to the National Hurricane Center, as of 8 a.m. Eastern, Friday morning, Matthew was "hugging the coast of central Florida," bringing with it sustained winds of up to 120 mph. 

An advisory released Friday morning by the Hurricane Center said that Matthew was a category 3 hurricane — downgraded from a category 4 but still capable of causing major damage, including threats of "Surge-related flooding."

Where is Hurricane Matthew headed?

As of Friday morning, Matthew was currently moving north-northwest at a speed of 13 mph, according to an advisory released by the National Hurricane Center, and morning up the Eastern Seaboard. 

States Hurricane Matthew is expected to hit

According to the National Hurricane Center, on its current projected track, the center of the storm is expected to "near or over the east coast of the Florida peninsula" through Friday night and then "near or over" the Georgia and South Carolina coasts on Saturday.

Oct. 7, 2016, 8:48 p.m. Eastern: This story has been updated.