Before Donald Trump appeared with Bill Clinton accuser Paula Jones, he called her a loser

Donald Trump on Sunday appeared at a press conference before the second debate alongside women who had accused former President Bill Clinton of sexual assault — including a former Arkansas state employee Paula Jones.
But before he appeared alongside Jones in an effort to try and rattle Hillary Clinton before the on-stage showdown, he called Jones a "loser" in a 1998 interview with the Washington Post.
"Paula Jones is a loser, but the fact is that she may be responsible for bringing down a president indirectly," Trump said, according to audio recordings of the interview.
In fact, Trump had attacked many of the women who accused Bill Clinton of assault, and defended Hillary Clinton in the process.
In a 1999 video interview, Trump said Hillary Clinton had, "Been through more than any woman should have to bear."
It remains to be seen if Hillary Clinton will use those words at the debate.