Hurricane Matthew Monday Update: Here's the latest news on the deadly storm

After days of beating down on everywhere from the Caribbean to the Carolinas, the storm formerly known as Hurricane Matthew is no longer a hurricane, having been downgraded to a post-tropical cyclone according to the National Hurricane Center. But, as CNN reported, it's still dangerous.
By Sunday, Matthew had claimed 19 lives in the United States — a far cry from the 1,000-plus in Haiti, where a cholera outbreak from contaminated water has prompted authorities to bury bodies in mass graves.
"In terms of destruction — environmental and agricultural — I can tell you 2016 is worse than 2010," UN Environment Programme employee Paul Edouarzin told Al Jazeera, referring to Haiti's 2010 earthquake.
The storms winds are currently topping out at about 75 miles per hour, the same as a Category 1 hurricane.
However, even though the winds are dangerous and leaders along the coastal states have issued warnings and evacuation orders, the storm isn't likely to curl back toward the Caribbean and slam it for a second time. As of this morning, forecasters had ditched the loop-back prediction and said the storm was heading out to the ocean.
Still, it didn't leave before knocking out the power of over half a million North Carolinians and requiring the rescue of at least 1,000 people.
"Hurricane Matthew may be off the map, but it is still with us," North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory said, according to CNN.