Ken Bone — and his cozy red sweater — is the unequivocal breakout style star of the debate

During a presidential debate that involved one candidate calling for the imprisonment of the other, no one could have predicted that a kind-looking man in a cozy-looking red sweater would have the internet abuzz. And yet, like so many things about this election, here we somehow are.
When a man by the name of Ken Bone stood up during the second presidential debate, on Sunday night, the internet unanimously asked the question: "Who is he?" Who is this man, with the broad mustache and the small glasses, asking the most startlingly sane question to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump: "What steps will your energy policy take to meet our energy needs while at the same time remaining environmentally friendly and minimizing job loss for fossil power plant workers?"
A boring question? Yes. A valid question? Absolutely.
According to CNN, by the end of the debate, he was its winner. According to Quartz and the Independent, he was its true hero. Even Bill Clinton was a fan.
In a sea of insanity, Ken Bone was a voice of reason.
And of course on Twitter, there was only love for Kenneth Bone.
Maybe it was his mustache. Maybe it was his kind eyes. Maybe it was his use of a disposable camera. Or maybe it was that cozy red sweater. But Ken Bone had the internet smitten.
His presence was so memorable that he's now a style icon on par with Melania Trump.
Much like how people tracked down Melania Trump's $1,100 hot pink Gucci pussy bow blouse, people also tracked down Bone's sweater. GQ decided it's probably made by the brand Izod, which is sold at some of your dad's favorite outlets, like Amazon, Macy's, JC Penney and Kohls.
On Amazon, it goes for $42.99. At Macy's the style is $80. At JCPenney, it's more like $70. And at Kohl's it's on sale for $48.99.
A true steal if you want to look like the second presidential debate's hero. And since we know you want to know, the shade of Bone's particular sweater is called "red dahlia."
So, let's place our bets: Which will sell out first? Melania's $1,100 pussy bow blouse, or Ken Bone's $42.99 red sweater?
Mic has reached out to Izod to see if they have any insight on this pressing national question as well.