Elizabeth Warren vs Scott Brown Debate LIVE: Who Won Massachusetts Senate Debate
Massachusetts' Senate candidates Scott Brown (R) and Elizabeth Warren (D) will go head-to-head for a second time Monday night in the heat of one of the country’s most important elections.
In the last debate, Senator Brown accused Warren of lying on applications, claiming she’s Native American when she isn’t. The Republican candidate said of his opponent, “Professor Warren claimed she was a Native American, a person of color. And as you can see, she’s not.”
In the days after their first debate, Brown’s staffers were caught on camera mocking Elizabeth Warren’s heritage by performing fake indian war whoops and the “tomahawk chop.”
Warren swiftly responded with an advertisement saying, “Scott Brown can continue attacking my family, but I’m going to keep fighting for yours.”
The Democratic candidate has made it clear that she wants to focus on the issues of women’s rights, taxes, health care, the environment and jobs, while Brown continues to base his re-election campaign around his baseless racial claims. Since the last debate, Warren has inched ahead in the polls. The Boston Globe released results of a new poll on Sunday morning, showing Elizabeth Warren at 43% and Brown at 38%. Although the numbers show some success from Warren’s booming campaign, they’re still within the margin of error. Also according to the Globe’s new poll, 18% of Massachusetts voters are still undecided. That shows the importance of these debates. With just one month left before the election, the candidates must persuade undecided voters they’re the best choice. Brown and Warren will take the stage in front of 4,500 at UMass Lowell Monday night, attempting to to just that.
PolicyMic will be covering all that happens at the Elizabeth Warren vs. Scott Brown debate. For the latest live updates, bookmark and refresh this page.
UPDATES: 7:58 pm - Debate ends.
7:55 pm - Candidates have time to say concluding comments. Brown says he has been the independent voter in Washington, working for the people of MA. Warren: "I don't want to go to Washington to fight for millionaires, billionaires and big oil. I want to go to Washington to fight for small families and small businesses. That's what this is about."
7:52 pm - Why hasn't MA elected a female Senator? "I don't know." Pause. Does it trouble you? "Well, right now, we're trying to do something about it." Huge laughes and applause in the audience.
7:50 pm - Brown: I support the President's surge and his time table to leave Afghanistan.
7:49 pm - Warren: We need to get our troops out of Afghanistan as quickly as we can. I think it is time to bring our troops home and stop spending $2 billion a week. Having unrealistic goals and spending a lot of money is the wrong choice.
7:48 pm - Student asks if the candidates support the DREAM act or not. BROWN: "I don't support the DREAM act." Some people clap, most of the audience boos. WARREN: "I strongly support the DREAM act... we need to do immigration form and it needs to happen now. We can't be putting this off, it isn't right."
7:41 pm - UMass student asks what specific things candidates would support or propose to help students like her get a job. WARREN: Supports the jobs bill which will put people to work and put money into circulation to get the economy going. "We have to invest in the future. We have to make this a great place to grow jobs... MA is on the cutting edge of what we can do in new energy, clean energy, in building innovation, we're doing it in biotech. We're making new advances for the country and the world. We're building it here in MA." BROWN: References a MA mother who is on food stamps for the first time and is looking for a job. "I just passed a bill called crowd funding. It's a new financing tool for people like you and others to help create jobs." "The key is, in order to get these issues passed, we need to work together to do it. You can't keep raising taxes and raising taxes when we're in a $16 trillion debt."
7:35 pm - People in private box seats clap when Brown says he doesn't support the Buffet rule.
7:34 pm - Warren: "When the boat came up to get rid of the oil subsidied, Senator Brown voted with all of the other republicans to say no... "When the question came up about letting the Bush tax cuts expire, Senator Brown voted saying he would let taxes rise for 98% of families in MA and 97% of small businesses."
7:33 pm - Warren: "He's signed an extremist right wing pledge never to raise taxes on millionaires and billionaires."
7:30 pm - Brown attacks the President on Simpson-Bowles, even though he hasn't voiced his opinion on the plan.
7:28 pm - Crowd mostly boos as Senator Brown tells Warren to let him speak, a small amount of people clapped.
7:27 pm - Warren says Scott Brown stood with all repubicans with President Obama's American jobs bill, saying he didn't vote for a bill that would put 22,000 jobs in MA.
7:25 pm - Brown says working with everyone is "the beauty of being an independent," even though he's a republican.
7:24 pm - Warren: "I will work with anyone, democrats, republicans, liberitarians, vegitarians, if they will work for American families."
7:23 pm - Warren asked about how she would work with republicans in Senate: I agree with republicans that we need to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
7:21 pm - Scott Brown doesn't clearly respond to the question when David Gregory asks if he is distancing himself from Romney to appeal to liberal MA voters.
7:19 pm - Brown responds to Gregory asking if he will stand by his endorsement of Governor Romney: "I don't work for anybody. I don't work for President Obama or Romney, I work for the people of MA."
7:18 pm - Warren: "Senator Brown is once again just making things up... It was a question about protected a particular legal principle and everyone gets paid."
7:17 pm - Brown: "The victims of the asbestos case got paid 1/40 of what she got paid" in asbestos case.
7:15 pm - Warren: "For Brown to say my work hurt asbestos victims is simply not true. It's exactly the wrong direction"
7:12 pm - Brown: "When the lights aren't on and the media is not looking, you have a choice. She had the choice to take this client. (speaking of LTV)"
7:10 pm - Scott Brown attacks Warren, saying she represented a company working to deny union workers (miners) rights as an attorney.
7:07 pm - Elizabeth Warren says Scott Brown calling her a professor in the press and at debates doesn't bother her.
7:06 pm - Warren: "I wish I would have been faster in answering the question (of her Native American heritage)... I believe my mother and I can't imagine what kind of test of character it would be to say my mother lied to me from the day I was born to the day she died:
7:03 pm: Scott Brown responds saying he wants to focus on the issues, after days of his campaign attacking his character. But he then questions her heritage, "When she says she can't change who she is, she actually did it twice. I think the real issue is what is she telling people..." Brown puts focus back on character.
7:02 pm - Elizabeth Warren: "I have never used my Native American heritage for advantages. I consider myself as having a Native American background, that's who I am."
7:01 pm - Moderator David Gregory says debate format is "Meet The Press" style with no time limits.
7:00 pm - Second MA Senate debate begins at UMass Lowell.
6:58 pm - Both candidates looking over notes as moderator David Gregory walks on stage to begin debate.
6:55 pm - Candidates making small talk now as Scott Brown looks over his notes. Elizabeth Warren looks to the crowd, saying hello to audience members.
6:53 pm - Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren aren't talking to each other on stage, even with a full six minutes before the debate begins.
6:51pm - Crowd cheers louder for Elizabeth Warren when David Gregory asks which candidates audience members support.