Beyoncé fans came for Betsy McCaughey after she used Beyoncé lyrics to defend Trump
This is what happens when a Donald Trump supporter uses Beyoncé to make her convoluted point — and it's not pretty.
In an appearance on CNN Tonight With Don Lemon on Monday, Trump adviser Betsy McCaughey tried to defend the disturbing 2005 recording that surfaced on Oct. 8, in which Trump boasts about kissing women without their consent and grabbing them "by the pussy." Her bizarre tactic? Invoking Hillary Clinton's affinity for Beyoncé.
After assuring viewers she doesn't listen to "rap music" because she doesn't "like that kind of thing," McCaughey addressed the seeming hypocrisy of Clinton both condemning Trump's statement and liking Beyoncé.
"Hillary Clinton expresses that she finds the language on that bus horrific, but in fact she likes language like this," McCaughey said. "Quote: 'I came to slay, bitch,' 'When he F me good I take his ass to Red Lobster.'"
Setting aside the fact that the Bey lyrics describe a rather wholesome activity — enthusiastic consensual sex between a married couple followed by a meal at an American casual-dining chain — McCaughey is basically trying to compare Beyoncé to Donald Trump.
That just didn't fly with the BeyHive. On Tuesday, the comments section of McCaughey's official Facebook page had been flooded with entries from Beyoncé fans slamming McCaughey for dragging Queen Bey into this mess.
Also, a lot of the comments were just bee emojis.
Of course, the BeyHive didn't forget to pay tribute to Red Lobster.