Watch 'SNL' skewer Donald Trump, second presidential debate in cold open

Saturday Night Live is enjoying this presidential election, even if no one else is.
Every day offers the sketch comedy show new material to work with, and "the second and worst-ever presidential debate," as Cecily Strong dubbed the Oct. 9 face-off during Saturday's cold open, was absolutely no exception.
Donald Trump (played by Alec Baldwin) and Hillary Clinton (played by Kate McKinnon) met on the SNL stage for a second, fictional round of sparring. Moderated by Alex Moffat as Anderson Cooper and Strong as Martha Raddatz, the cold open showcased Trump's predatory stalking of his opponent, his casual racism, his gross behavior toward women and his decidedly unpresidential demeanor.
"Tonight I'm going to do three things: I'm going to huff, I'm going to puff and I'm going to blow this whole thing," Baldwin-as-Trump began, highlighting the candidate's habit of leaving his sentences unfinished.
And indeed, many people are saying that the Republican candidate did truly blow the second debate, not least because of audio leaked two days beforehand, in which Trump can be heard saying some truly gross things about women. In its cold opening on Oct. 8, SNL skewered him for those tapes, and returned to the well on Saturday night.
"Mr. Trump, we received a lot of questions online about the audio tape that was released last week of you bragging about sexually assaulting women," Strong-as-Raddatz said.
Baldwin's Trump responded by deflecting criticism onto Bill Clinton, who has been accused of rape and sexual assault. He had invited some of Clinton's accusers to the debate, he said, prompting McKinnon-as-Clinton to feign shaking in her boots before she brushed off the whole thing.
"Get real, I'm made of steel, this is nothing," McKinnon-as-Clinton said, with a little wave to the women. "Hi, girls."
"Martha, she is trying to silence these women but they need to be respected, they need their voices heard," Baldwin countered.
"What about all the women accusing you of sexual assault?" Strong asked.
"They need to shut the hell up," Baldwin answered.
A number of women have come forward to say that Trump has harassed, sexually assaulted and even raped them. Trump has not responded kindly to the allegations, nor did he respond kindly to SNL's portrayal of his debate performance, tweeting about the sketch in classically Trump terms.
Watch the full opener below.