NYC Halloween Parade 2016 Livestream: Here's how to watch the parade online

Once a year, the ghouls, ghosts, witches and weirdos come out of the woodwork to charge through Manhattan's Greenwich Village. But not the regular ghouls you'd see at 2 a.m. tumbling out of some underground bar.
This is the NYC Halloween Parade. And if you can't stand the idea of spending a Monday night in the cold, watching people dressed as creepy clowns, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump or a Trumpkin, you're in luck: The whole thing will be broadcast live from 8 pm. to 9:30 p.m., according to the Village Halloween Parade's official site.
Here's how to watch it
There will be a webcam filming at 6th Avenue (the parade route street) and 14th Street, hosted by Wxyz Web Cams. As of this report, a message reads, "This camera is being serviced."
But the official stream is provided by New York channel NY1, hosted as a live stream by Time Warner cable. However, you need a Time Warner account to access it.