'American Horror Story' Season 6, Episode 7 Recap: Agnes' rampage

This episode of American Horror Story: Roanoke, viewers were met with the most gruesome and the most exciting installment of the season as it continues along its new reality television theme. The body count keeps climbing at an alarming rate. Pretty soon, there'll be only one character left.
The people involved in the show-within-a-show Return to Roanoke: Three Days in Hell are experiencing a serious nightmare. The actors and actresses cast to re-enact the horrific ordeal that Matt and Shelby endured during the first several episodes didn't actually believe that any of it was real. They instead believed that it was clever horror writing intended to draw in viewers and bring in the ratings. But they have finally discovered the truth about Matt, Shelby and Lee.
The season's seventh episode begins inside the production trailer for Return to Roanoke, with Matt and Dominic engaging in a heated brawl. Turns out that Dominic slept with Shelby after the show ended, and the marriage dissipated as a result.
Sidney, the producer of the reality show, is having a field day. But his glee is cut short after a production assistant goes outside and screams in agony just moments later. Sidney and his cameraman follow to find the PA on the ground with her throat slit. Out of nowhere, Agnes Mary Winstead (the actress who played "the Butcher" on the show) pulls out her cleaver and murders both Sidney and the cameraman. Clearly, she's taking the My Roanoke Nightmare theme a little bit too seriously.
Audrey is now looking for her husband Rory back at the house, while Matt suggests that he is most likely dead. His reason? The word MURDER that was etched into the wall of the house by murderous nurses has been completed with a final letter 'R.' After going upstairs, Audrey and Matt discover a pool of blood — but Rory's body is missing.
Although Dominic insists that the blood is real, Audrey starts to believe that Rory actually left the show to work on a movie. She begins to even wonder if the whole situation was set up by Sidney in an attempt to write Rory off of the series. Audrey gets enraged at both Sidney and Rory as her marriage is now over. beyond angry while cursing Rory for leaving her and effectively ending their marriage. What Audrey doesn't actually realize is that Rory is truly dead and he's not coming back anytime soon unless it's as a ghost.
Agnes has now officially lost it as she begins to endlessly rant at a camera in an old cellar. But after the lights go out, we see that Agnes is now surrounded by crosses that resemble The Blair Witch Project. These are the same crosses that Matt and Shelby discovered in the woods during My Roanoke Nightmare.
Dominic, on the other hand, has started expressing his motivations in the confessional booth. He admits that he is pretending to seduce Shelby so that he can be the star of the show and drive ratings. In a quote that will solidify him as the Danielle Staub of My Roanoke Nightmare, he says, "Sid's got me wired and ready to ruin these people's lives and record every minute of it. If I have to play the dick in order for people to tune in for ratings, then that's what I got to do."
Back at the house, we learn that Matt returned to Roanoke for one reason and one reason only: to reignite his steam fling with the Witch of the Woods (Lady Gaga). As he confesses his love to her, Shelby comes along and bludgeons him in the most shocking death of the season so far.
Shelby, on the other hand, is distraught that Matt is ignoring her. She has a meltdown in her room when Agnes tries to kill her with a cleaver. Dominic swoops in and pushes Agnes off of Shelby. Now, Agnes is gone and Shelby is bleeding to death.
Back at the house, we learn that Matt only returned to the Roanoke home to see the Wood Witch again, who he confesses to love before getting bludgeoned to death by his estranged wife. As Dominic and Shelby attempt to come up with a plan, Agnes shows up outside raving like the Butcher... that is until the real Butcher shows up with her ghostly band of colonists.
Back at the house, we learn that Matt returned to Roanoke for one reason and one reason only: to reignite his steam fling with the Witch of the Woods. As he confesses his love to her, Shelby comes along and bludgeons him in the most shocking death of the season so far. So basically, Matt, Sidney, Rory, Agnes and possibly Lee have met their demises.
Who else will die? Viewers will have to wait to find out during the next episode, airing Wednesday at 10 p.m. Eastern on FX.
Correction: Oct. 28, 2016