Melania Trump lamented the rise of bullying in a speech. Has she met her husband?

Melania Trump lamented the rise in online bullying during a speech Thursday in the Philadelphia suburbs, saying she would work to crack down on the meanness permeating through social media if she became First Lady.
"Our culture has gotten too mean and too rough," she said in her brief, 15-minute remarks — the first speech she made since she spoke at the Republican National Convention this summer.
She added that there's been a rise of people being put down on the internet over their "looks and intelligence."
But rather than earn plaudits for her remarks, many who watched the 2016 campaign were left with one question: Has she met her own husband, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who regularly judges women's looks on a scale of 1 to 10; who regularly compares women to fat pigs and dogs?
Throughout the years, he's attacked hundreds of people, places and things by name, from former political rivals to the women who have come forward to accuse him of sexual assault.
In fact, Trump has said so many mean or insulting things about others on Twitter the New York Times has kept a running list. It includes everyone from former Secretary of State Colin Powell to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, whom Trump repeatedly tried to emasculate by saying he ran to his "mommy."
Her speech was widely panned for its tone deafness, calling out a culture her own husband has perpetuated.
If Melania really wants to campaign to end bullying, her efforts should probably begin at home.