Polling Place Locator 2016: Here's where to find out where to vote in your state


Few presidential races in modern history have been as contentious as the matchup between Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. On Nov. 8, everything comes to a head.

Below is everything you need to know about where to vote, so you can ensure your voice is heard and plays a part in history.

Where should I vote?

If you're already registered to vote, the hard part is over — finding your polling place has likely never been easier.

Many websites exist to help you find out where to cast your ballot, but, unsurprisingly, one of the most straightforward is the same one you likely used to find this article: Google.

Google's "Where to vote" feature makes finding your polling place a breeze: Type in your address, and your location will pop up, complete with hours of operation and directions.

Not sure if you're registered?

There's an easy way to check that too. Rock the Vote's "Am I registered to vote?" module allows you to quickly search yourself in the registration database to see if you bothered to fill out those pesky forms by your state's deadline.

With voting tools that makes things this simple, there's really no reason not to cast your ballot, when you think about it.