Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton: Voting day polls and battleground state updates

After more than a year of mudslinging, disgusting quotations and emails, Election Day 2016 has finally arrived. If all goes according to plan, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton or Republican candidate Donald Trump will be elected president come (hopefully) Tuesday night.
Here's where the candidates stand as of Tuesday morning:
Hillary Clinton continues to lead nationally.
At the time of this writing, a RealClearPolitics average of polls gives Clinton 47.2% of support among likely voters compared to Trump's 44.2%.
According to FiveThirtyEight, as of publication, Clinton has a 71.9% chance of winning the presidency. Trump has a 28% chance. The New York Times election forecast is showing an even better chance at victory for Clinton, giving her an 84% chance to Trump's 18% to win the Oval Office.
Battleground states: What the polls are showing now
Clinton may be favored to win the election, but polls in battleground states are tight. RealClearPolitics has all over the battleground polls as "toss ups," meaning they are too close to call at this point. Trump has a sizable 3.5-point lead over Clinton in Ohio, while Clinton is leading Trump by 5 points in Virginia.
According to the New York Times, Florida — an absolute must-win state for Trump — is leaning in Clinton's favor. North Carolina, another swing state, is proving problematic for Trump: FiveThirtyEight gives Clinton a 55.8% chance of winning the state.
When will we know who won?
Polls will start to close as early as 6 p.m. Tuesday, according to the Times. We could know the fate of the nation as early at 9 p.m. if competitive states vote as expected.