How close does a race have to be for a recount? Florida election is neck and neck.

As of roughly 8:48 p.m. on Tuesday, the New York Times reported roughly 92% of votes in Florida have been counted, with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump estimated to be leading by a razor-thin margin over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, around 48.7% to 48.1%.
With a large number of votes remaining to be counted, it's still unclear whether the margin will stay so thin. But according to Citizens for Election Integrity Minnesota, "When a close vote margin (0.5% or less) initiates a recount, paper ballots are first retabulated using automatic tabulating equipment. ... If this retabulation returns results showing that the close vote margin is 0.25% or less, a manual recount is called for."
At time of writing, the Times projected Trump to win the state.
During the 2000 election in Florida, Republican nominee George W. Bush won in a recount by just 537 votes over Democratic nominee Al Gore following an election night Bush victory of just 1,784 votes. Statewide recounts are relatively rare, according to FairVote.