One tweet captures the unprecedented fear Muslims are facing after Trump's victory

Early Wednesday morning, the heretofore unthinkable happened: Donald Trump sailed to 276 electoral votes, becoming the clear victor in the 2016 race to the White House.
For many Americans, feelings of shock at the results were immediately followed by those of fear — especially for those whose rights and very existence in the United States Trump has continually threatened as part of his campaign message.
"My mom literally just texted me, 'don't wear the hijab, please,'" wrote a Twitter user named Jannatin. "And she's the most religious person in our family."
You'd be hard-pressed to find a reason why Jannatin's mother's deep trepidation isn't warranted. Indeed, one of Trump's first defining moments as a presidential candidate came in December, when, following terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, California, he proposed a "total and complete shutdown" of Muslims entering the U.S. In the same interview, Trump suggested creating a database to keep track of Muslims currently living in the country and allowing the federal government to close down mosques at its discretion.
Since these remarks, Trump has only proven himself more willing to strip Muslims of their civil liberties for the supposed greater safety of the U.S. The president-elect has criticized President Barack Obama repeatedly for avoiding the term "radical Islamic terrorism," an expression which, Obama has explained, unfairly likens the peaceful Islamic faith to violent extremism.
"You are never going to solve this problem unless you can define it and it would be about time," Trump said in July of Obama, adding that people would "sigh with relief" if the president uttered those three words.
Islamophobic rhetoric, of course, is more than just words — and it's incited increasing violence toward Muslims in 2016. This year alone, Muslims have been beaten and set ablaze, their places of worship vandalized or burned.
A Trump presidency, then, only concretizes many of these fears.
In a followup tweet, Jannatin continued, "I wasn't gonna cry over this election, but to know my mom is ready to sacrifice her beliefs for me, to protect me, yeah I'm off guys, night."