Donald Trump blames media for inciting protests in first post-election tweets


Now that his staff no longer has to worry his Twitter presence will cost him the election, Donald Trump is back at it. And his first foray into social media as president-elect could contain a scary message about the future of freedom of the press. 

After meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House on Thursday, Trump tweeted his thoughts about the day, which he described as successful. In a follow-up tweet, though, he changed his focus, lamenting protests opposing his win — and blaming the rallies, some of which have turned violent, on the media. 

"Just had a very open and successful presidential election," Trump wrote. "Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!" 

Maybe it's just whining. Or maybe it's a thinly veiled threat against journalists and free press. It's not like Trump appointed a fellow billionaire with a penchant for suing publications out of existence or anything, so who can say?