Donald Trump's education: Did the president-elect actually go to business school?

It is no secret that Donald Trump likes to pad his resume with curious accomplishments while revealing little else about his personal life. As such, his degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania has been under intense scrutiny in recent years.
A report by the Washington Post found that Trump took undergraduate classes during his first two years at Fordham University and then transferred to prestigious business school Wharton in 1966. It is also worth noting that he did not earn an MBA as many might have believed.
Nevertheless, his Penn classmates have little recollection of him, and his grades were apparently less than stellar. An article by the Daily Pennsylvanian noted that his classmates "barely remember him." Likewise, some Fordham students are actively distancing themselves from the president-elect.
While Trump repeatedly flaunted his degree from Wharton on national television, the publication added that he downplayed its worth in his 1986 book, Trump: The Art of the Deal:
In my opinion, that [Wharton] degree doesn't prove very much, but a lot of people I do business with take it very seriously, and it's considered very prestigious.
Meanwhile, Wharton officials have stayed mum on Trump's relationship with Penn. Reporting by Politico found that administrators had sent an email to Wharton faculty urging them not to speak to the media in the wake of Trump's presidential candidacy announcement last year. In the lead-up to Election Day, students asked Penn president Amy Gutmann and provost Vincent Prince to take a stronger stance against Trump's controversial policies, but their petition fell on deaf ears.
Ivy League schools have historically boasted their alumni who have become United States presidents. This time around, it would seem Penn is contemplating whether they want to associate its brand with that of Trump.