12 things you forgot about the last episode of 'Gilmore Girls'

If there's any episode of Gilmore Girls you should watch before sitting down to binge Netflix's revival on Friday it's the appropriately-titled series finale, "Bon Voyage."
It's been nearly 10 years since it first aired, but soon, fans will learn what the Stars Hollow residents have been up to since we last saw them. Four 90-minute episodes will be available for streaming as part of the Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life reboot.
While you'll likely remember the larger plot lines, like Luke and Lorelai sharing a kiss and Rory landing a job reporting on Senator Barack Obama's campaign trail, here are 12 things you might've forgotten from the season seven finale. Because, who knows, one of these moments might just be a key plot point in the revival.
1. One of Rory's favorite journalists, Christiane Amanpour, showed up at the Dragonfly Inn
Amanpour, who randomly was staying at Lorelai's inn, gives Rory journalism advice, her card and tells her to stay in touch.
2. Rory moves back home and plans a rollercoaster trip with Lorelai
After Rory doesn't get the fellowship she wanted with the New York Times, she and her mom make summer plans to travel the east coast riding rollercoasters.
3. Lorelai says she's over Luke and believes they are finally done
Lorelai comforts Rory about her breakup with Logan, telling her she will eventually feel better. This prompts Rory to ask her, "do you feel better about Luke?"
"I need someone who can show me how he feels," Lorelai responds. "He can't do that ... We're better off as friends."
4. Rory lands a last-minute job on Senator Obama's campaign trail
After meeting the person who runs the online magazine she had been writing pieces for, Rory tells her mom and grandparents she has to leave in three days because she was offered, and quickly accepted, a position.
5. Lorelai has to cancel Rory's graduation reenactment
Many residents of Stars Hollow (think: Babette, Miss Patty, Kirk, etc.) were upset that there weren't enough tickets for them to attend Rory's graduation from Yale. To make up for it, Lorelai had planned a reenactment party that due to Rory's new job had to be cancelled.
6. Rory doesn't understand why her mom is calm about her leaving
After being confused by Lorelai's seemingly relaxed attitude, Rory asks her why she is OK with her leaving. "It's too soon," Lorelai responds. "If I stop to think about you leaving now, I'm going to fall apart. We still have time left."
7. Luke works with Sookie to plan a surprise going away party for Rory
At dark, the town sets up the square for the party before Babette tells Luke it is going to pour the next day. Instead of canceling the entire event, Luke spends the entire night sewing together tarps and table cloths to make a tent.
8. Richard tells Lorelai he is proud of her.
In perhaps one of the more tearjerking moments of the finale, Richard tells Lorelai that the party isn't entirely for Rory, but a testament to her and the home she has created for Rory. "It takes a remarkable person to inspire all of this," he tells her.
9. Taylor gives one hell of a speech
Or a "unique tribute" as Rory called it: "We are gathered here on this glorious spring day, pregnant with pride and anticipation, preparing to birth you from our collective womb, fully gestated and nourished. And so we breathe deep, and, with these last, painful contractions, we push you out into the world, spank your bottom, and wipe the amniotic fluid from your eyes as you issue your first independent breath."
10. Emily wants to loan Lorelai money for a spa to continue Friday night dinners
Emily thinks since Rory is gone, Lorelai is going to stop coming for their weekly dinners.
"Mom, why don't we just talk about it Friday night at dinner," Lorelai responds. "Oh, so our Friday night dinners are going to continue then?" Emily asks. "Well, we might as well," Lorelai says. "I've kind of gotten used to it.
11. Lorelai finds out Luke was responsible for the party
She thanks him and he says, "I just like to see you happy." And then they kiss.
12. The series ends at Luke's
True Gilmore Girls fans will realize the show ended and started with the girls drinking coffee at the exact same table at Luke's Diner.