'Overwatch' tracker for Xbox One, PS4 and PC : How to look up your stats online


Whether you've been playing Overwatch since it launched in May or you're just now hopping on board, you might be curious about how you compare to other players — especially now that we're nearing the end of season two of competitive play. There are a number of third-party statistic tracking websites that can help you do just that. 

Overwatch trackers for Xbox One, PS4 and PC: Which is best?

One site you might consider using is Overwatch Tracker. All you have to do is type in your BattleTag, Xbox Live name or PSN name, depending on which platform you use to play Overwatch. Once you do so, you'll see a ton of information about your performance history.

For example, embedded below is what a portion of my page on Overwatch Tracker looks like. Since I play support and defense heroes most frequently, my assists are pretty high, but my other stats like eliminations and damage are much lower.

Tim Mulkerin/Overwatch Tracker

You can already see a lot of this information within Overwatch itself on your career profile page, but instead of showing only your stats, these third-party sites can show you how you compare to everyone else. And, unlike your competitive play skill ranking, these sites pull information from quick play games, too, which will give you a more holistic understanding of your performance.

Blizzard Entertainment

Since this site pulls information from Blizzard, it doesn't seem to be totally reliable. For example, it currently lists my eliminations for Zarya as "infinity," which, while flattering, is probably a bit of an overstatement. Not sure what's happening there. 

On the bright side, at least you have something to blame other than your own performance if your stats aren't where you'd like them to be. I'll keep pretending the information about my assists is accurate, though.

Another third-party site that functions in a similar way is Overbuff, though it doesn't seem to list your stats as a percentile like Overwatch Tracker.

Overwatch competitive play season two end date and season three start date

According to a post on Blizzard's forums, season two of competitive play will end Nov. 23 at 7 p.m. Eastern. Season three will begin on Dec. 1, so you'll have about a week to beef up your stats as much as possible before diving into your placement matches.

Overwatch guide, tips and tricks: Everything you need to know

If you're looking for more information on Overwatch, check out the latest Overwatch news, like Mic's guide to playing Sombra, which new characters might be on the horizon, which characters players are speculating will be revealed as LGBTQ, information on the months-long alternate reality game that led up to the reveal of Sombra and the latest details on the upcoming modifications to Symmetra.